• 62 replies

    Deal: My Three Decades of Drumming, Dreams, and Drugs with the Grateful Dead by Bill Kreutzmann

    Signed posters are officially SOLD OUT. Signed copies of the book are still available.

    Big News! Here, exclusively, is the cover for Bill Kreutzmann’s new memoir, DEAL, from St. Martin’s Press that will hit bookstores on May 5, 2015 – honoring the 50th anniversary of the band we all love. Bill's adventure-filled life as the Grateful Dead’s drummer, includes great stories of music and mayhem, Jerry Garcia and the band, and fellow musicians and friends Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan, Ken Kesey, John Belushi and many others. Rare photos and beautiful cover art by famous psychedelic artist Stanley Mouse are also part of this fantastic new book.

    Book will be signed, while supplies last and a limited quantity of signed posters will be available with the purchase of DEAL from Dead.net. only.


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  • DeadHeaderDecks
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    What an awesome Book!
    This is really an awesome book, thanks for the great content! from your awesome friend Deck Contractor NJ
  • Mr.Dc
    Read the book
    Highly recommended! Fun read with many hilarious and emotional moments. Only here can you get Bill's early history and personal POV, and the book itself is well written. I read this book rather quickly even though I made sure to only read it under the right conditions haha.
  • OrangeSunshyne
    I purchased a copy of the book, and the signature is Bill's.It is authentic.
  • nirktwin2
    Not much new here
    Expected a little more inside information and others appear to remember times better than Bill does. Still you have to read it. I do recommend David Gans and Blair Jackson's new book "This Is All A Dream We Dreamed" as a better record on what went on.
  • catbox
    Uptown Theater Cancelled Show 5 18 78
    Alas! I always wondered about the real reason why this show was cancelled. I'm glad you cleared it up for us, Billy; I remember this night well, for it was supposed to be my first show as a 16-yr-old high school freshman who'd been listening to his older brother's albums and hearing strains of dead songs that piqued his curiosity. I somehow got permission to go to this show on the el train with my older brother and his friends. When the train pulled up at the Lawrence Ave. stop, right as we were getting off the train, a dejected deadhead was getting on the train and explained that one of the drummers was "sick." Of course we were bummed, but still had a great night hanging out under a willow tree by the lake with some Rock & Rye and other tasty morsels. (I did finally see my first show at the uptown, 12 5 79, front row balcony/center, which made up for may '78.) So if you are unsure about the real reason why that show didn't happen, you need to read the book. I don't want to spoiler it for you--because you really should invest in this book and enjoy all the tales of hijinks and escapades that Billy describes like he's hanging out at a bar with you--but can say that it wasn't because someone was sick. Thanks for a great read, Billy! Mahalo!
  • gratefulfan2015
    signature authentic
    I was curious if the signature is authentic. Signed copy is a very vague term. Other sites advertise same book for same price, but include details such as personally signed. no autopen etc. There is no such description here and the term they use is very vague and could mean just about anything. Who signed it? Bill himself? Thanks
  • One Man
    "Drummer in the Grateful Dead" is a unique job description. Only BK knows what it took to succeed at that. He says (and he would know) that at least some of the band's indulgences shaped the music. So could he have been the same drummer while also parenting well? We can't know. So it's not necessarily "a crock". The GD were who they were partially because of their failures. I'm glad most people are better parents than Billy was! If they are also unwittingly helping to create a cultural phenomenon that will influence hundreds of thousands of people for decades, then more power to them. But most people don’t have jobs like that.
  • DoubleT
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    One Man
    "There is only room for one priority." That's exactly what I'm talking about-- what I disagree with. You can do both. I work a full time job and try my best as a parent. That's what my life centers on. People like Kreutzmann wanted to hang out with the guys and get high and stoned in all their free time. Come on - let's get real. That's a personal choice - it's not part of your job. It was an excuse. I play drums, get high, then after: half-hearted parent. A lot of people are like that. I find it repulsive. So when I hear about it it does bother me a little bit - I want to enjoy the greatness of Kreautzmann's art without thinking about it. That's the downside of reading a book like this. And I'm not picking on Kreutzmann. As a parent he probably did a lot better than many of his peers. He would probably agree with everything I'm saying here. . . One thing I can't relate to is the demands of travel. That is very real. If you're physically not there - you're not there. That part is not an excuse.
  • One Man
    I don't think anybody needs to be a bad parent to be a great musician. But I do think musicians that are completely consumed by their art should not be parents in the first place. There is only room for one priority.
  • DoubleT
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    Thoughts on the book
    Without spoiling it - love the candor and brutal honesty about some things. That was so refreshing. Also very disappointing /lost opportunity to share more about certain things. Like with a lot of books like this one, there's a whole bunch of cliché rock-band-on-the-road stuff that I really didn't find interesting. Who cares? The emotional/spiritual content and the information about what it was like to actually play that music - that's the gold. And there wasn't enough of it for me. But thanks just the same. It WAS a good read, it was well worth the $12 or whatever I paid in iTunes. I just wish he had spent more time on the actual content that matters. Deadheads are people of substance. This is not a group of 15 year olds reading exaggerated nonsense about Led Zeppelin in Hammer of the Gods. Did he even know Bob Weir? Did they ever cross paths? (Sorry....) The other thing about these rock books that really troubles me - as a parent, I would rather not be reminded about how atrocious these people were as parents. Don't tell me they had to be bad parents to be good musicians. That's a crock.
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17 years 3 months

Deal: My Three Decades of Drumming, Dreams, and Drugs with the Grateful Dead by Bill Kreutzmann

Signed posters are officially SOLD OUT. Signed copies of the book are still available.

Big News! Here, exclusively, is the cover for Bill Kreutzmann’s new memoir, DEAL, from St. Martin’s Press that will hit bookstores on May 5, 2015 – honoring the 50th anniversary of the band we all love. Bill's adventure-filled life as the Grateful Dead’s drummer, includes great stories of music and mayhem, Jerry Garcia and the band, and fellow musicians and friends Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan, Ken Kesey, John Belushi and many others. Rare photos and beautiful cover art by famous psychedelic artist Stanley Mouse are also part of this fantastic new book.

Book will be signed, while supplies last and a limited quantity of signed posters will be available with the purchase of DEAL from Dead.net. only.

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Member for

17 years

I really enjoyed the book Phil wrote years ago. I'm sure this book will bring an entire new perspective to the Dead's time on the road. I love reading as much as I do music. I have read many bios about bands I love. Gregg Allman's story was the last one I read, it was great. Some are better then others, but all are informative. I look forward to this and will get one as soon as available. Peace
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13 years 4 months

Oh the hours I spent, inside the coliseum (s), .....sitting behind the stage watching you do magic. Thank you.
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13 years 4 months

Oh the hours I spent, inside the coliseum (s), .....sitting behind the stage watching you do magic. Thank you.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Billy K is definitely 'the man'. The book looks interesting but that title is godawful.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

I liked reading Phil and Mickey. I haven't read BOb yet. Wished there was more Jerry to Read. I love to Read Hunter. David Byrne is an absolute BLast to read. he's got a few books out if you can dig. Different topics too, a photography travel journal that's hard to find, and a great one about music and musicianship. Woody Guthrie of course, and will Dylan ever publish a follow-up to Chronicle? I hope Ian ANderson publishes. He is quite engaging.
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13 years 7 months

I will reserve judgement on the title. BIlly G doesn't like it, and I see why; it is rather clumsy. However, if those three topics truly are the prominent subject matters, then one can't knock Bill the Drummist's sincerity.
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10 years 1 month

...of D's in the title. I'm not sure that Drugs should get equal billing with Drumming and Dreams. I guess the publisher wants to sell a few copies, though. Which is OK. But the cover looks nice.
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17 years

...He should include 'Dick Punching' in the title...
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Member for

17 years

Drumming, Dreams, and Drama! Drumming, Dreams, and Dragons! Drumming, Dreams, and Drives! Drumming, Dreams, in Droves!
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Member for

16 years 4 months

I don't know why you are all upset over the title - because it has the word Drugs in it? Considering that the boys grew up when LSD was legal and drugs have played an integral part in all of our lives both good and bad, why wouldn't it be a major topic to be discussed? Yes it is a stereotype for DeadHeads but not without good reason! I am proud to be a DeadHead at 58 years old. My car has SYF's and my cubicle is littered with comments, pictures and all the good will that we celebrate every day. And if people want to put that badge on me that's fine - I am a functional person with impeccable work ethic, I just like to be Kind and nothing wrong with that. Peace everyone!
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13 years 4 months

I have no problem with the title, as others have mentioned you cant deny that psychedelics, etc were huge forces in the lives of all the band members, for good or bad, unfortunately.As for the book, I am jazzed about it. I have read Phil's auto, and Mickey too.. Havent read up on Bob, looking forward to the new docu om him "The Other One', but Bill..... What can I say about Bill.. By far the most intriguing, and I think, coolest of the remaining members. Still putting out NEW music, touring, hell, he has a boat with a big SYF on it. I met him after a 7 Walkers Show a few years ago.. what a great, down to earth guy. Had plenty of time to talk with me, and really listened.. looked me right in the eye and just was super cool. Maybe its because for all the Dead years, and now, of course, he is behind the drums/behind the scenes to some extent, he isn't looking for the spotlight.. I think that is how he thinks and acts towards music.. He doesn't care who gets the credit, or the face time, he just wants the tunes to continue and to evolve. Plus he seems like a hell of alot of fun. Plus, he's the ONLY band member to NEVER miss a show! Now that is something. That and he drove around in a Ford Country Squire Sation Wagon back in the early days, which has always been one of my dream cars.. google it.. sweet ride! 1963 Long Live Billy K
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16 years 6 months

Hmmm, back in the late 70's in Chicago at the Uptown Theater - spring of 1977 or 1978 Billy missed a show due to being sick, we were told... Ah found it, with a little help from Google, "The scheduled show on the 18th (May 18th 1978) was cancelled, on account of Billy coming down with the mumps". Just something you never forget... Whatever happened to the tickets I had ? I guess long gone, can't remember what I had for dinner last night but remembered straight away about that missed Uptown show in 1978 (34 yrs ago, seems like yesterday)... I love Billy and can't wait for his book but missing one show on that gruelling scheduler is Aces in my book... Also thanks you blackjack for a nice piece... Peace
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11 years 7 months

I always loved the scene in the GD Movie (from Winterland 74) when the dude shows up with the California plate that says Dead on it, and who accepts the gift but Bill the Drummer and gives him a big soul shake.
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Member for

15 years 2 months

I agree brother Without LSD all the great music from the dead and all the 60's and 70' and 80's would not have been shit. Be proud of your heritage and its up to us old cats to carry the torch and make sure the younger generation can expand their minds like we all did. Stay cool
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Member for

15 years 2 months

I agree brother Without LSD all the great music from the dead and all the 60's and 70' and 80's would not have been shit. Be proud of your heritage and its up to us old cats to carry the torch and make sure the younger generation can expand their minds like we all did. Stay cool
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13 years 7 months

I had a ticket for that show, arrived only to be turned away. I knew someone was sick. So, it was Billy? An enduring regret; ticket in hand, no show. The one that got away.
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Member for

16 years 6 months

Glad to see you finally made the literary world.I know you must have some stories to tell.Hell we had a week long tale of it's Billys Birthday.Hope you do well Bill and this book makes you mucho dinero.Peace and smiles Cowboy.
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17 years

at the So Many Roads conference last night was sweet, outspoken, poignant, hilarious, and quite a few other things, so I think this is going to be a pretty great read.
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15 years 5 months

Billy, Cant wait to read your book. Remember the trip with Kidd, at Black Mountain Ranch where we all played Cowboy? Steve, Tony, Kidd and you. After that I Was a Deadhead forever. Best to you and yours, Steve and Sharon Doughty
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9 years 11 months

Hi,As a late 60 years french drummer (only 5 years practise), involved in drumming after a bad hip surgical trouble (6 months in a wheelchair), drum came to my ears... and I began my first senior lessons (Rufus O' Callaghan) listening most of the Dead. So far I'm a good customer at dead.net. Any book autographed w'd be a must! Thanks. SWAGjeef France
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Member for

16 years 11 months

I was impressed in Bills Rolling Stone interview from last winter where he talked about learning to surf. I hope he includes some good sea stories along those lines. A photograph of Billy getting tubed would rock out. Rick Griffin would be proud. So would Murphy. "I am the eye".
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16 years 7 months

I can't wait to get my hands on this autobiography and read about Bill and his adventures! I hope that all the original members of the band get back together this year for the Grateful Dead's 50th Anniversary. Jerry Garcia, Pigpen, Brent, Keith and Vince in spirit :)
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Member for

15 years 10 months

Heh Billy, I sure hope you include an anecdote on your memories of steering camels! I have a still vivid memory of slow walking by moonlight past the great pyramid at 2am, post the second night show of 9/15, and, in the perfect dead still of the night, hearing some sort of strange commotion coming up from behind us. We stopped, turned and looked up, and a slow moving camel passed, illuminated by the almost full moon, and, sure enough, there was you in total charge of the reins, en route back to the mena house, with lady friend riding the hump immediately in front, making loud orgasmic moans. We exchanged smiles. Classic!
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17 years

Premiere Collectibles has signed copies available for 30 bucks with 25% off at check out, can't beat that. Better hurry. They will raise the price when they figure out they can get more. Peace
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15 years 10 months

I hopped on the Premiere bus and I'm feelin' glad...!
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15 years 10 months

The Barnes & Noble backpacker bus currently has the same signed item for a tad cheaper price and way cheaper international postage...!
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15 years 1 month

Does anybody know the chances of getting a signed poster with the book? I'll pre-order mine the day I get the email, surely.
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15 years 1 month

Good heads-up on the premier collectibles. I think I missed the 25% off, though. Still a great deal for an autographed copy.
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Member for

17 years

I think this is poor marketing by Dead.net. They want you to pre-order from them and you might get a signed poster. What would one do with a signed book poster? Frame it? Having the book signed would be better IMHO. For those of you who want a signed copy go to B&N's website and search Deal. Or, go to Premiere Collectibles and pre-order a copy. You will get it for sure. I love books and collecting and will pass on the poster raffle. I'm more for a sure thing. Peace
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Member for

15 years 10 months

signed with extras, el cheapo international postage, what's not to like...means i'll now have two copies, one for inside, one for outside, 'cos i just couldn't let THIS Deal go down!...
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13 years 10 months

Yup, I signed up this morning. Glad I didn't go for the BnN deal. I'd rather pay a few bucks more and get a signed poster and a signed book. And support dead.net.
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12 years 9 months

Will this book be signed by Kreutzmann if we already placed a order? I placed one but was told it is on backorder, but customer service is saying that if the website says it will be signed, it will be signed. I knew the poster was sold out. Getting a signed copy is only reason I really ordered it; I would've gone to Amazon instead, since I get plenty of music here, and wouldn't pay $35 for the book normally.
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13 years 10 months

I think all books sold here will be signed. Of course, the description is unclear. This is dead.net, after all. ;-) I think there were 1,000 posters and those are gone. My email confirmation says "Deal Book by Bill Kreutzmann (With Signed Poster)." But the description when I ordered said something like "book signed by BK as well as poster signed by BK." I'm not going to sweat it, but with dead.net you never know if/what you will get.
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16 years 11 months

Today this Book will be shipped to me, looking forward to it, Billy was from Palo Alto, were the band really formed not San Francisco, but moving there they became the San Francisco Sound, having said that I always felt connected to this band, the night I was born August 11th,1965 in Redwood City,now in and of its self big deal it gets interesting The Warlocks during that time were probably playing Big Al's Gashouse or Cinnamon A~GO~GO, then later Awalt High School in Mountain View and the Continental Ballroom in Santa Clara ,Me I lived in Sunnyvale so they were always around,JGB in Cupertino at The Flint Center,Shoreline Ampitheatre later years,my Brother Leonard is in the same Cemetary as PigPen,I can made a Staight line from Pig's grave to Leonard's,it doesn't stop there a lot of Synchronicity and after dropping Acid "Getting it" as they say its like theres something behind it all like Jerry was The Great wizard of OZ
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Today this Book will be shipped to me, looking forward to it, Billy was from Palo Alto, were the band really formed not San Francisco, but moving there they became the San Francisco Sound, having said that I always felt connected to this band, the night I was born August 11th,1965 in Redwood City,now in and of its self big deal it gets interesting The Warlocks during that time were probably playing Big Al's Gashouse or Cinnamon A~GO~GO, then later Awalt High School in Mountain View and the Continental Ballroom in Santa Clara ,Me I lived in Sunnyvale so they were always around,JGB in Cupertino at The Flint Center,Shoreline Ampitheatre later years,my Brother Leonard is in the same Cemetary as PigPen,I can made a Staight line from Pig's grave to Leonard's,it doesn't stop there a lot of Synchronicity and after dropping Acid "Getting it" as they say its like theres something behind it all like Jerry was The Great wizard of OZ
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Member for

13 years 10 months

Hmmm, my book order is "in process" but the poster order is "backordered." I guess Billy hasn't had time to sign them in the last few months, lol. I think this is just dead.net business as usual. Looking forward to the book.
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14 years 8 months

One of the captions to a photo in the book is "I have no memory of this."
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Member for

17 years

I have been waiting for my shipping order? Called yesterday, they said it was going out today? This really is not a surprise. Hope it gets mailed soon. Peace PS I'm on the phone with customer service right now, they are clueless. She keeps telling me. "It ships on May 5, it ships on May 5th?"
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16 years 11 months

Happy Birthday Billy. Keep the Peace and the Beat.
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16 years 11 months

Looking forward to seeing you June 27th at Levi Stadium ,by my old stomping grounds of Sunnyvale , wish I could catch you at Zodiacs in Petaluma plus book signing event.It would be cool if you could play sometime at our Wells Fargo Center here in Santa Rosa,Well gotta go all the best and happy Drumming for years to come. Larry E.Smith
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16 years 11 months

Looking forward to seeing you June 27th at Levi Stadium ,by my old stomping grounds of Sunnyvale , wish I could catch you at Zodiacs in Petaluma plus book signing event.It would be cool if you could play sometime at our Wells Fargo Center here in Santa Rosa,Well gotta go all the best and happy Drumming for years to come. Larry E.Smith
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11 years 9 months

Book and Poster arrived today both signed looking forward to a great read!
product sku